Top Message

PhotoPhotoCEO & Chairman of the Board
Mayuki Hashimoto

SUMCO VisionSUMCO Vision

Contributing to Society through SUMCO’s Silicon Wafers

Semiconductor devices are used in every facet of our lives, from information terminal devices such as smartphones and personal computers, communications equipment essential for remote work, which has rapidly expanded in recent years, data centers that process and store large volumes of electronic data, including AI servers, home appliances including televisions and air conditioners, medical devices that affect human lives, through to automobiles, trains and other vehicles. Providing the technological base for such devices, silicon wafers can also be considered critically important as a key material in maintaining today’s standard of living.

Additionally, the SUMCO Group’s silicon wafers are used in various devices that are indispensable for saving energy, promoting clean energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, such as power-saving semiconductor devices, IGBTs for electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid vehicles, and power-management devices for renewable energy such as solar and wind power generation.

The SUMCO Group will continue to contribute to the development of industries, improvement of quality of life, solving social issues, and the realization of a sustainable society through the stable supply of silicon wafers that support our daily lives and the technological development of cutting-edge silicon wafers that drive the advancement of semiconductor devices.

Promotion of CSR and Sustainability Activities

Aiming to be a Good Corporate Citizen, the SUMCO Group has established the SUMCO CSR Policy, identified priority issues to be addressed to solve social issues and enhance sustainable corporate value as ‘materiality,’ and is actively engaged in CSR and sustainability promotion activities to achieve the goals.

Furthermore, we enhance our organizational structure, to strengthen CSR and sustainability activities by appointing an Executive Officer Responsible for Sustainability Promotion, by establishing the Sustainability Promotion Department as a dedicated department to promote sustainability activities under direct control of TOP management, as well as regularly holding "Sustainability Promotion Council" to discuss sustainability promotion activities throughout the Group.

The SUMCO Group will continue to actively adopt ideas and requests of stakeholders and enhance CSR and sustainability activities.