Respect for Human Rights

SUMCO’s Basic Policy on Human Rights

The SUMCO Group regards respect for basic human rights to be an important social responsibility. Based on SUMCO Charter of Corporate Conduct and SUMCO CSR Policy, we pursue a number of initiatives to be a company that "values people" and respects the human rights of all people associated with the SUMCO Group.
In 2023, to clearly stipulate the SUMCO group’s policy for respecting human rights, we established the SUMCO Human Rights Policy, pledged to respect any human rights which are internationally recognized through International Bill of Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and then we are working to further promote initiatives, such as reflecting this policy in relevant policies and regulations, to respect human rights. Furthermore, in promoting these initiatives, we are also referring the RBA’s Code of Conduct.
These Policies are translated into languages that employees are able to understand and aimed at increasing human rights awareness among all employees of the Group.
We also ask our suppliers to respect human rights in accordance with the SUMCO CSR Procurement Policy. (Refer to the Supply Chain page for details.)

Priority themes set forth in SUMCO Human Rights Policy

  • Prohibition of forced labor and all other involuntary labor
  • Prohibition of child labor and prohibition of young labor from engaging in hazardous work
  • Compliance with labor-related laws and regulations regarding working hours, holidays, wages, etc.
  • Prohibition of discrimination based on any factors, including race, religion, gender, nationality, origin, age, sexual orientation, and disability
  • Prohibition of harassment, libel, etc.
  • Appropriate management of personal information and protection of privacy
  • Respect for freedom of association
  • Providing a safe and sanitary working environment
  • Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, including prevention of pollution
  • Pursuit of quality and reliability

Human Rights Awareness Training

The SUMCO Group in Japan annually convenes the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Committee, as a framework to promote employee awareness of human rights issues. The committee confirms the policies and details of human rights awareness initiatives, while each plant or Group company implements activities in line with the policies. The activities include invitation of outside experts to give talks and awareness training using audiovisual materials.

Major Themes Covered in Human Rights Awareness Training

  • Respect for diversity (especially gender, sexual orientation, etc.)
  • Human rights for the elderly
  • Workplace harassment
  • Sexual harassment
  • Harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare or nursing care leave in the workplace
  • Mental health issues in the workplace
  • Measures based on the number of consultations to the consultation service in the year, harassment, etc.

Establishment of a Reporting Hotline / Consultation Service

Under the SUMCO Human Rights Policy, in case any business activities of the SUMCO Group caused or provoked an adverse impact on human rights, we commit to correct and/or relieve the adverse impact by taking appropriate and effective measures. As one of the measures for such correction or relief, we have established a Harassment Consultation Service to serve as the point of contact for employees to consult about issues related to human rights violations and harassment at each site, in addition to the internal reporting hotline which has a contact point with an external attorney.
To ensure that employees can casually seek advice at any time, the consultation service at each site is staffed by both male and female consultants who work based on three principles: (1) protecting the privacy of employees seeking consultation; (2) prohibiting disadvantageous treatment of related persons; and (3) dealing with consultations in a fair manner. In particular, the service accepts consultations by e-mail or telephone to keep them confidential. Each consultation request received is investigated in the relevant department, measures for rectification and prevention of a recurrence are taken as the situation calls for, and the results are reported to management, while the consulting party is given feedback. In addition, with appropriate consideration to privacy, the harassment cases are shared with the Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Committee, putting them to Group-wide use in measures for preventing a recurrence.
In 2022, the Harassment Consultation Service handled 16 consultation cases.

Harassment Consultation Service System

Harassment Consultation Service System

Conducting Human Rights Due Diligence

To identify and evaluate the adverse impact on human rights and to prevent or reduce the impact, in considering not only new business but also existing business, the SUMCO Group clearly stipulates in SUMCO Human Rights Policy that SUMCO regularly conduct the human rights due diligence and has communication with external experts and stakeholders.
In the human rights due diligence conducted in FY2023, we had communication with external experts and stakeholders and then investigated any adverse impacts on human rights caused by SUMCO’s business activities. We also assessed that the corrective and remedial measures against the following adverse impacts on human rights are required, and have decided to vigorously address them.

Status & Assessment Measure
Occupational Accident Occurrences During fiscal 2022, five lost-time accidents occurred. Aiming for zero occupational accidents, the SUMCO Group works to further develop and enhance the occupational health and safety management systems based on ISO 45001, and further promote communication, education and training related to safety and health.
Harassment Cases Occurrences During fiscal 2022, the Harassment Consultation Service handled 16 cases. The SUMCO Group works to further promote the training on the SUMCO Charter of Corporate Conduct and the harassment training as well as fulfill Group-wide measures for preventing a recurrence.
Impaired Management of Working Hours Difference was found between the working time entered on the attendance recording system and the timecard stamping time. The SUMCO Group works to thoroughly manage appropriate management of working hours through enhancement of labor management system and information exchange.

Regarding the occurrence of events that violate various laws or infringe on human rights, we consider them as risks that could impede SUMCO’s business continuity. Based on the Basic Rules on Risk Management, we conduct risk assessment and develop countermeasures. (Refer to the Risk Management page for details.)

Respect for any rights of the child and prohibition of involuntary work

The SUMCO Human Rights Policy states to prohibit any child labor and to respect any rights of the child, and we verify age of applicants by their official identification cards at the time of employment to prevent child labor. We also establish the specific guidelines with reference to RBA Code of Conduct and each international norms/standards so that any workers are able to freely choose working in the SUMCO Group. We have had no problems with child labor and forced labor.

Appropriate management of working hours and holidays, appropriate salary

Based on the ILO Labor Principles, the SUMCO Group strives to comply with the labor standards and regulations of each country. When an administrative directive for a labor standard violation is issued by a governmental authority, the SUMCO Group establishes a system that we rapidly submit a report on the directive to the upper management and members of the Audit and Supervisory Committee, ensure that corrective action is undertaken throughout the Group, and work to raise awareness of the issue and prevent it from reoccurring.

To appropriately manage working hours and reduce excessive overtime, the SUMCO Group utilizes attendance management tools, conducts management trainings for management-level staff, and work to improve productivity based on AI technology, data science, and IoT technologies and to promote operation efficiency by deploying DX tools. (Refer to the SUMCO DX Policy page for details about activities utilizing AI and IT.)

The SUMCO Group also follows laws and regulations regarding minimum wages in each country and fulfills its obligation to pay employees appropriate wages based on the local cost of living and other factors. At SUMCO, we divide the compensation systems of employees into different courses according to the work they undertake, and based on the basic concept of “equal pay for equal work,” we properly compensate employees based on their abilities, performance and contribution levels, offering the same treatment irrespective of gender. Average income per employee for fiscal 2022 was 6,786,000 yen.

Maintaining and Enhancing a Pleasant Working Environment

SUMCO regularly educates for all employees on various forms of harassment, aiming to prevent all forms of discrimination, and makes every effort to improve awareness of these issues in the workplace.
In addition, we formulate and implement action plans aimed at improving the working environment at each workplace by conducting a stress check each year as part of our health management initiatives and adding items related to employee satisfaction to the stress check. As a part of these action plans, we hold harassment training to eradicate harassments for management-level staff in each region. In 2022, a total 1,100 staff members underwent the training.
Seeking to eliminate all forms of employment discrimination, we also actively pursue initiatives such as attending lectures held by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), as well as ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) training seminars.
Additionally, as a part of efforts to maintain and enhance a pleasant workplace environment, the SUMCO Group also conducts various in-house recreation activities and deepens exchanges between employees at each site to revitalize workplace communication.

Labor-Management Relations

The SUMCO Group grants consideration to and respects the rights of all employees, including employees' right to freedom of association based on the laws of the countries and regions in which the SUMCO Group does business. We also aim to strengthen labor-management relations while respecting employees' right to assembly and collective bargaining.
In Japan, for example, the labor agreement concluded between the Company and workers, in addition to rules, sets out as a basic policy that issues between labor and management are to be resolved through collective bargaining and discussion based on mutual understanding and trust, aimed at the perpetual development of the Company and improvement of working conditions, while recognizing the rights of the labor union to assembly, collective bargaining, and strike.
For that purpose, high-level labor-management meetings are generally held twice a year with the aim of promoting communication between labor and management, and business operations are managed with shared information and challenges.
In addition, at production briefings and labor-management meetings held once a month at each plant, the plant managers and union representatives meet to exchange information and views concerning the production situation and other matters.
Meanwhile the Labor-Management Study Committee meets regularly throughout the year to discuss important labor-management issues such as the improvement of working conditions and review of various systems from multifaceted, holistic and long-term perspectives, thus allowing labor and management to work closely together to address various issues. The ratio of labor union members to the employees of our company and domestic group companies is 88%.

Employee Benefits Programs

SUMCO and Group companies in Japan offer employees a wide range of benefits packages as guarantees for the future. In addition to Japan’s social security system, these include additional health insurance association payments, and individual options such as enrolment in an employee shareholding association, TSUMITATE NISA, property accumulation savings, and group life insurance.