Initiatives for Safety and Health

Why SUMCO Addresses Safety and health

In order for employees to reach their full potential and work with vitality, the SUMCO Group sees ensuring environment where employees can work at ease as one of its crucial social responsibilities.
Additionally, in the SUMCO CSR Policy, the SUMCO Group pledges to "maintain safe, healthy, comfortable and appropriate workplaces for everybody working in SUMCO, shall have a high regard for human rights, ability and personality, and shall realize fair and diverse ways of working." Based on this, the SUMCO Group promote safety and health initiatives under the following basic principles and policy.

SUMCO Group Basic Policy on Safety and health

Basic Principle

Under the principle that "the safety and health of employees takes the highest priority over all," the SUMCO Group is committed to "creating a safe and pleasant workplace environment supportive of good mental and physical health" through leadership by supervisors and through active communication across the organization.

Basic Policy

  1. We will collectively and thoroughly strive to create a workplace where all members adhere to relevant laws and regulations as well as rules stipulated in manuals and work procedures.
  2. In the event of any work-related accidents, we will collectively and thoroughly analyze the root causes and implement measures to prevent their recurrence.
  3. We will collectively and thoroughly strive to create an open workplace environment, as well as to maintain and promote their mental and physical health and to prevent occupational illnesses.
  4. We will collectively and thoroughly engage in raising awareness of traffic consideration and promote traffic safety initiatives as models for society.

Safety and health Initiatives

Promotion Framework

For the purpose of maintaining and enhancing the Group's levels of safety and health, the SUMCO Group annually convenes the Company-wide Safety and Health Committee in which report on the status of safety and health-related initiatives and information sharing are made. The committee, attended by the Chief Safety and Health Officer, plant general managers, and presidents of group companies, reports on Group-wide performance, issues, activities related to safety and health. It also reviews and approves safety and health-related issues and targets to be addressed in the following fiscal year.
Additionally, each plant shares safety and health information and improve safety and health issues, and engages in daily activities to achieve safety and health objectives, through operating site safety and health committees, workplace safety and health committees and small group workplace safety meetings.

Company-wide Safety, Health and Hygiene Promotion Structure

Company-wide Safety, Health and Hygiene Promotion Structure

Meetings and Committees (Communication) Related to Safety, Health and Hygiene

Scroll horizontally to view.

Level Meeting Frequency Main Participants Functions
Company-wide Company-wide Safety and Health Committee Once a year Chairman, officers, presidents of affiliate companies, plant general managers, department managers, labor union executive board, industrial physicians, company-wide and operating site safety and health administrative offices Review and discussion of SUMCO Group safety, hygiene and health management policies and measures
Production Technology Division Safety and Health Committee Once a year Chief Safety and Health Officer / Executive Officer in Charge, executive officers, plant general managers, industrial physicians, company-wide and operating site safety and health administrative offices Review and discussion of Production Technology Division health, hygiene and safety measures
Labor-Management Safety Round-Table Meeting Once a year Labor union executive board (three highest ranks of the board, union branch manager), company-wide safety and health administrative office Review and discussion of SUMCO Group (domestic) safety, hygiene and health measures
Meeting of Safety and Health Personnel Once a month Company-wide and operating site safety and health administrative offices Review and discussion of SUMCO Group (domestic) safety and health measures
Overseas Affiliate Company Safety Liaison Meeting Six times a year at each company Overseas affiliate company presidents and safety and health administrative offices, company-wide safety and health administrative office Explanation of SUMCO Group (domestic) safety and health measures, and exchange of information on domestic and overseas activities
Workplace Safety and Health Promotion Personnel Exchange Meeting Once a month Workplace safety and health promotion personnel, company-wide safety and health administrative office Explanation of SUMCO Group (domestic) safety and health measures, and exchange of information on activities between operating sites
Safety and Disaster Prevention Department Inspections Nine times a year Managers of each department, workplace safety and health promotion personnel, company-wide and operating site safety and health administrative offices Confirmation and discussion on the implementation status of SUMCO Group (domestic) safety and health-related measures
Operating Site Safety and Health Committee Once a month General safety and health manager, plant general managers, labor union branch management, industrial physicians, operating site safety and health administrative offices Review and discussion of operating site safety, hygiene and health-related policies and measures
Workplace Safety Promotion Committee Once a month Workplace safety and health promotion personnel, workplace safety and health administrative offices Detailed review and discussion of operating site measures
Workplace Safety and Health Committee Once a month Department and section managers, group leaders, unit leaders, workplace safety and health promotion personnel, contractor managers Review and discussion of departmental safety, hygiene and health-related policies and measures
Small Group Workplace Safety Meetings Once a month Group leaders, unit leaders, workplace safety and health promotion personnel Review and discussion of process-level safety, hygiene and health-related measures
Contractor Safety Cooperation Association Meeting (Kyushu Factory) Three times a year Representatives from contractors, SUMCO (advisors, Facility Engineering Department) Discussion occupational accident prevention at operating sites

Occupational Safety and Health Initiatives

The SUMCO Group has introduced an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) and obtained certification from outside certification bodies, chiefly ISO 45001 certification, and is actively working towards creating a safe and comfortable workplace environment.
Under the system, the management defines a sequence of "Plan - Do - Check - Act" (PDCA) actions to manage safety and health on a regular and voluntary basis, with the help of employees. This is a safety and health management framework designed to prevent work-related accidents, advance employee health, promote the formation of a pleasant workplace environment and raise the level of safety and health in the workplace. We also work to quantify employee safety awareness through periodic safety awareness surveys, reflect the findings in the occupational safety and health management system, and make efforts to raise awareness of safety.

Status of Occupational Safety and Health Management System Certification

Scroll horizontally to view.

Category Total Number of Operating Sites Number of Certified Operating Sites Certification Rate (%) Remarks
Group (Domestic / Overseas) 14 11 79% -
Group (Domestic) 10 9 90%
  • ISO 45001 / JISQ 45100 certification in 9 operating sites
Group (Overseas) 4 2 50%
  • ISO 45001 certification: 1 operating site
  • SMK3 certification: 1 operating site*
  • *Certification provided by Indonesian National Standard (equivalent to OHSAS18001)

Major Initiatives to Prevent Work-Related and Traffic Accidents

The SUMCO Group conducts annual system audits (internal audits) and management reviews of all operating sites in accordance with its Occupational Safety and Health Management System. The SUMCO Group also endeavors to maintain and enhance safety management levels by seeking to prevent work-related accidents through promoting voluntary safety and health initiatives and encouraging the advancement of health and the formation of a pleasant workplace environment.
Additionally, when workers notice a potential hazard, they are obligated to report on it as a near miss case. Through the case reports and risk assessments, the risk factors at each operating site are identified. We try to avert accidents by implementing countermeasures to these risks based on hazard levels, and reducing the degree of risk posed accordingly. Information on these risks and the corresponding countermeasures are shared across the entire SUMCO Group through Company-wide meetings attended by the safety and health personnel at each operating site, safety exchange meetings attended by the workplace safety and health promotion personnel at each operating site, and safety and health committee meetings at each operating site. Awards are given for outstanding near-miss reports, and examples of improvements are disseminated across each operating site.
In addition to safety patrols conducted at each operating site and other regular safety and health patrols of each operating site by the Safety and Disaster Prevention Department, labor unions, industrial physicians, etc., daily patrols are conducted by workers to inspect and correct potential hazards and unsafe behaviors in the workplace, aiming at realization of higher levels of safety and health.

Safety and Health Education and Training Initiatives

The SUMCO Group focuses on employee education and training with the aim of preventing work-related and traffic accidents. In terms of matters related to safety and health, we provide various types of audiovisual education, including tiered safety and health education, small group workplace safety meetings, risk prediction training (KYT), the viewing of movies produced in-house for prevention of chemical injury and disaster of being caught and drawn, other safety-related DVDs and e-learning programs. In addition, we have established "safety dojos" at 9 operating sites in Japan to enhance employees’ awareness of safety while raising employees' sensitivity to danger through simulated dangerous experiences and to learn about what actions to take in the event of an emergency, thereby aiming to prevent disasters in advance and minimize damages.
Furthermore, the prevention of traffic accidents and drunk driving is another key challenge. The SUMCO Group strives to prevent traffic accidents and drunk driving by providing traffic accident prevention training through traffic accident cases and traffic-related DVDs, implementing KYT using videos of traffic accidents, and creating maps of dangerous areas along commuting routes.

Main Education and Training Activities

Scroll horizontally to view.

Category Name of Training Trainees Frequency Instructors
Statutory Training Induction training New employees Once a month Company-wide and operating site safety and health administrative offices
Training for newly appointed safety managers General Safety and Health Manager appointees
Departmental and Sectional Safety and Health Manager appointees
Upon selection Outside instructor
Unit leaders safety training Newly appointed unit leaders Once a year
Various special training, courses for various licenses, skills training, etc. Employees engaged in the relevant work Supervisors of the relevant work When engaging in the relevant work
Various skills improvement training Qualification holder (every 5 years) Once a year Qualified in-house employee or outside instructor
Group Training Training for newly appointed managers Newly appointed managers Once a year Company-wide Safety and Health Administrative Office
Group leader safety training Newly appointed group leaders Once a year Company-wide Safety and Health Administrative Office
Training for employees who has been working in the Company for 3 years and 10 years. Employees who has been working in the company for 3 years and 10 years. Once a year Company-wide Safety and Health Administrative Office
Internal auditor development training Newly appointed internal auditors Each time Outside instructor
Internal auditor skills improvement training All internal auditors Once a year Company-wide Safety and Health Administrative Office
Safety training for risk assessment, etc. Workers, unit leaders, and workplace safety and health promotion personnel Once a year Operating site safety administrative office and outside instructor
OSHMS self-awareness training (e-Learning) All employees Once a year Planned by Company-wide Safety and Health Administrative Office
Traffic accident prevention training (e-Learning) All employees Once a year Planned by Company-wide Safety and Health Administrative Office
Safety confirmation drills All employees Four times a year Use of safety confirmation system
General disaster prevention drills Employees and contractors Once a year Operating site safety administrative office
Late-night evacuation drills Shift workers Once a year Operating site safety administrative office
Individual Training Follow-up training Employees after hiring or transfer 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after hiring/transfer Supervisor at workplace safety and health promotion personnel and superior at workplace

Photo写真Experiencing a simulated hazard (body parts crushed by or caught in machinery) at a "safety dojo"

Photo写真Experiencing hazards (electric shock, overcurrent, tracking) at a "safety dojo"

Status of Occupational Accident Occurrences

Change in the Accident Frequency Rate*
(Domestic SUMCO Group)

Change in the Accident Frequency Rate (Domestic SUMCO Group)Change in the Accident Frequency Rate (Domestic SUMCO Group)

  • *Accident Frequency Rate = Number of workers killed or injured in occupational accidents (injuries requiring one or more days off) / total number of working hours × 1,000,000

During fiscal 2022, five lost-time accidents occurred (the same number of times as in the previous fiscal year), most of which were daily life type accidents or due to lack of risk prediction. SUMCO conducts risk assessments to prevent such accidents from occurring in the future, with particular emphasis on risk assessments for high-risk work (heavy objects, high places, rotating objects, etc.), and also strengthen knowledge and awareness education on hazards and harmfulness.
For the SUMCO Group and contractors, the number of deaths due to occupational accidents was zero.
Aiming for zero occupational accidents, the Group is working to enhance the effectiveness of existing activities while actively engaging in new initiatives, including broad introduction of the lockout-tagout (LOTO) safety procedure. Having acquired ISO 45001 certification for its occupational health and safety management systems, the Group is further developing and enhancing these systems, while carrying out safety awareness-raising activities based on employee survey results. In these and other ways, the Group is endeavoring to create a workplace environment, one that is safe, healthy, comfortable and pleasant to work in.

Occupational Safety and Health Data

Scroll horizontally to view.

Indicator Target Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of lost time injuries Group (Domestic / Overseas) cases 2 3 5 5
Contractors cases 0 0 0 0
Number of accidents (lost time + non-lost time) Group (Domestic / Overseas) cases 17 17 21 13
Contractors cases 0 0 1 4
Number of occupational illnesses Group (Domestic / Overseas) cases 1* 0 2* 1*
Contractors cases 0 0 0 0
Lost time injury frequency rate Group (Domestic / Overseas) - 0.18 0.17 0.27 0.26
Contractors - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Accident frequency rate (lost time and non-lost time) Group (Domestic / Overseas) - 1.01 0.98 1.15 0.67
Contractors - 0.00 0.00 3.83 16.64
Occupational injury frequency rate (OIFR) Group (Domestic / Overseas) - 0.06* 0.00 0.11* 0.05*
Contractors - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  • * Backache (backache resulting from work-related accident)
  • - Lost time accident frequency rate = Number of workers killed or injured in occupational accidents (lost time injuries) / total number of working hours × 1,000,000
  • - Accident frequency rate (lost time + non-lost time) = Number of workers killed or injured in occupational accidents (lost time + non-lost time) / total number of working hours × 1,000,000
  • - Occupational injury frequency rate = Number of workers killed or injured in occupational accidents (occupational injuries) / total number of working hours × 1,000,000

Community-based Traffic SafetyInitiatives

Photo Photo Early Headlight Lighting Warning Initiative (Kyushu Factory)

The Kyushu Factory is engaged in traffic safety initiatives as a member of the Shiroishi district's Safe Driving Supervisors Committee, including annual participation in the "Traffic Mirror Cleaning Initiative (March)" for mainly local elementary and junior high schools and "Early Headlight Lighting Warning Initiative (November)" to encourage drivers to turn on their headlights before it gets dark.
SUMCO’s Chitose Plant's Regional Cooperation Committee, made up of companies in the industrial park, has been encouraging for safe driving on the city's main roads to coincide with the National Traffic Safety Campaign in autumn. Furthermore, we actively participate in the Challenge Safety Rally organized by the Chitose District Safety Driving Management Association and take the lead in promoting safe driving.
SUMCO's Yonezawa Plant also regularly encourages safe driving at events and on the road with the city’s and the industrial park's Safe Driving Supervisors Committee.
SUMCO Technology Corporation also improves the traffic safety environment in the industrial park where it is located and runs environmental beautification activities around its operating site as chair of the Noda City Sothern Factory Liaison Council.

Photo Photo Safe Driving Warning Initiative (Chitose Plant)

Safety and Health/Disaster Prevention Awards Received (in the past five years)
Year & month Award Awarded site
October 2017 Yamagata Labor Bureau Director's Commendation Yonezawa Plant, SUMCO Corp.
October 2017 Letter of Appreciation from Miyazaki Fire Prevention Committee Miyazaki Plant, SUMCO TECHXIV Corp.
December 2017 Letter of Appreciation from Japanese Red Cross Society (Blood donation) Chitose Plant, SUMCO Corp.
June 2018 Hazardous Material Safety Awards from Japan Association for Safety of Hazardous Materials SUMCO Technology Corp.
September 2018 Commendation as Model Business Site for Safe Driving Management from the Miyazaki Prefecture Police Headquarters Miyazaki Plant, SUMCO TECHXIV Corp.
October 2018 Silver Order of Merit from Japan Red Cross Society SUMCO Technology Corp.
February 2019 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Class 3 No Accident Record (15.8 million hours) Kyushu Factory (Saga), SUMCO Corp.
September 2019 Commendation for Business Operators with Excellent Traffic Safety Miyazaki Office, SUMTEC Service Corp.
October 2019 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Class 1 No Accident Record (7.5 million hours) Kyushu Factory (Kubara), SUMCO Corp.
October 2020 Commendation from the Hokkaido Labor Bureau (Award for Excellence in Safety and Health) Chitose Plant, SUMCO Corp.
November 2020 Letter of Appreciation from Japanese Red Cross Society (Blood donation) Kyushu Factory, SUMCO Corp.
October 2021 Commendation for Business Operators Cooperating with the Local Fire Brigade. Kyushu Factory (Nagahama), SUMCO Corp.