Speedy, Accurate and Fair Disclosure of Corporate Information

Why SUMCO Addresses Information Disclosure

SUMCO makes every effort to enhance management transparency and earn legitimate recognition of its corporate value from shareholders and investors by releasing information including the Company's management vision, the status of its business activities and financial performance in a speedy, accurate and fair manner. We also undertake activities to continually improve corporate value by reflecting the feedback received from shareholders and investors in our management.

Basic Policy on Information Disclosure

SUMCO believes timely and appropriate disclosure of corporate information to investors is a core element in ensuring a sound stock market. The Company shall commit itself to speedy, accurate and fair disclosure of corporate information while always adopting the perspective of investors. Corporate information that is useful in investor decision-making shall be actively disclosed even when not mandated by laws and regulations.

Information Disclosure System

The Public Relations & IR Department is responsible for dialogue with shareholders and other investors, under the supervision by executive management, the results of which are reported to the Board of Directors and executive management as needed. Top management also provides its own explanations during financial results briefings held quarterly and also takes part in individual meetings with shareholders and other investors as needed.
When engaged in IR activities, the necessary information is collected from the relevant departments and coordinated and summarized by the Public Relations & IR Department. The details of IR activities are also confirmed by top management in advance, with due care in handling insider information.
Through these activities, SUMCO reflects feedback and requests from shareholders and investors in management in an effort to achieve sustained growth and enhance its corporate value in the long-term.

Communication with Shareholders and Investors

General Meeting of Shareholders

SUMCO positions General Meeting of Shareholders as the occasion where important decisions on the Company's policies and other matters are made as well as an opportunity to have dialogues with shareholders.
We are engaged in early dispatch of the notice of convocation, posting on our website and preparation for the English translation.
We also effort to provide explanations of the details of business report and answer questions asked by shareholders during meetings in as clear a manner as possible by utilizing narrated video footage.

IR Activities

CoverCoverMessage to Shareholders
CoverCoverAnnual Report 2022

The Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange is utilized to disclose information that needs to be disclosed in a timely fashion, and documents are posted both in Japanese and English simultaneously on our website to ensure the fair disclosure of information to shareholders and investors in Japan and overseas. Our Annual Report and Message to Shareholders are also published to convey messages from top management and report on business performance and conditions.
As well as regularly held meetings with institutional investors and securities analysts, SUMCO also periodically organizes visits to overseas institutional investors in Europe, North America and Asia to help investors develop a better understanding of the Company.
In fiscal year 2023, SUMCO held briefings on financial results led by senior management quarterly, and also actively participated in domestic and overseas conferences, and held web- and tele-conferences with investors.