Site Data (2023 results)

2023 data on the acquisition status of ISO 14001 certification for the SUMCO Group's business sites/plants and regulated substances discharged from each site/plant to the surrounding air and water.

Kyushu Factory (Nagahama)/Kyushu Factory (Kubara)/Kyushu Factory (Saga)

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Name of business site/plant Kyushu Factory (Nagahama) Kyushu Factory (Kubara) Kyushu Factory (Saga)
Scope of business Design, development and manufacture of silicon wafers Design, development and manufacture of monocrystalline silicon ingots and silicon wafers Design, development and manufacture of monocrystalline silicon ingots and silicon wafers
Status of acquisition of ISO 14001:2015 certification Examining organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization
Date of acquisition January 11, 1999 January 11, 1999 January 11, 1999
Date of renewal January 11, 2026 January 11, 2026 January 11, 2026
Air Measurement results maximum value (regulation value)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) ppm Boiler 64 (150) Boiler 64 (150) /
Sulfur oxides (SOx) m3N/h Boiler ND (0.44-0.85) Boiler ND (1.15) /
Soot and dust g/m3N / / /
Water Regulation value Measure-
ment result (Maximum value)
Regulation value Measure-
ment result (Maximum value)
Regulation value Measure-
ment result (Maximum value)
Biological oxygen demand (BOD*1) mg/ℓ / / / / 20 7
Chemical oxygen demand (COD*2) mg/ℓ 30 11 30 6 / /
Suspended solids (SS) mg/ℓ 30 14 30 7 25 8
N-hexane extract mg/ℓ 5 ND 5 ND 3 ND
Iodine consumption mg/ℓ / / / / / /
Fluorine and its compounds mg/ℓ 8 5.4 8 1.7 3 0.9
Ammoniac nitrogen mg/ℓ 80 14 80 12 100 13
Nitrate nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrite-nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrogen content (T-N) mg/ℓ 120 33 120 17 120 16
Chromium content (T-Cr) mg/ℓ 0.2 ND 0.2 ND 0.2 ND
Phosphorus content (T-P) mg/ℓ 12 0.3 12 0.1 16 0.7
Arsenic mg/ℓ 0.05 ND 0.05 ND 0.1 /
mg/ℓ 0.1 ND 0.1 ND 0.1 /
  • *1In case of discharging treated wastewater into the river, the drainage restriction of biological oxygen demand (BOD) applies.
  • *2In case of discharging treated wastewater into the sea, the drainage restriction of chemical oxygen demand (COD) applies.
  • *  Numbers list the maximum annual figures.
    "/" denotes non-applicability
    "-" denotes an unmeasured item as the regulated substance is not used.
    "ND" denotes non-detection

Noda Office/Yonezawa Plant

Name of business site/plant Noda Office Yonezawa Plant
Scope of business Manufacture of silicon wafers Design, development and manufacture of monocrystalline silicon ingots
Status of acquisition of ISO 14001:2015 certification Examining organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization
Date of acquisition January 11, 1999 January 11, 1999
Date of renewal January 11, 2026 January 11, 2026
Air Measurement results maximum value (regulation value)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) ppm Boiler 64 (260) /
Sulfur oxides (SOx) m3N/h Boiler 0.02 (0.32) /
Soot and dust g/m3N Boiler 0.005 (0.3) /
Water Regulation value Measurement result (Maximum value) Regulation value Measurement result (Maximum value)
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) mg/ℓ 25 15 600 18
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/ℓ 20*1 14 / /
Suspended solids (SS) mg/ℓ 50 12 600 39
N-hexane extract mg/ℓ 3 ND 5 1
Iodine consumption mg/ℓ / / 220 4
Fluorine and its compounds mg/ℓ 8 5.6 8*2 2.1
Ammoniac nitrogen mg/ℓ 100 6 380 124
Nitrate nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrite-nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrogen content (T-N) mg/ℓ 30 14 / /
Chromium content (T-Cr) mg/ℓ 1 ND 0.5 ND
Phosphorus content (T-P) mg/ℓ 2 0.2 / /
Arsenic mg/ℓ 0.05 ND 0.1 ND
Trichloroethylene mg/ℓ 0.1 ND / /
  • *1At the Noda office, since Tokyo Bay pollutant load restrictions apply, it is also subject to chemical oxygen demand (COD) restrictions.
  • *2At the Yonezawa Plant, treated wastewater is discharged into public sewerage systems and is thus subject to the Sewerage Act. (Destination of treated waste water outflowing from sewerage treatment site: river) Accordingly, the regulation value for fluoridation compound is 8 mg/ℓ.

Chitose Plant/JSQ Division

Name of business site/plant Chitose Plant JSQ Division
Scope of business Design, development and manufacture of silicon wafers Design, development and manufacture of quartz crucibles
Status of acquisition of ISO 14001:2015 certification Examining organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization
Date of acquisition January 11, 1999 January 11, 1999
Date of renewal January 11, 2026 January 11, 2026
Air Measurement results maximum value (regulation value)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) ppm / /
Sulfur oxides (SOx) m3N/h / /
Soot and dust g/m3N / Firing furnace 0.18 (0.2)
Water Regulation value Measurement result (Maximum value) Regulation value Measurement result (Maximum value)
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) mg/ℓ 600 ND 120 13
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/ℓ / / / /
Suspended solids (SS) mg/ℓ 600 7 150 17
N-hexane extract mg/ℓ 5 4.00 5 ND
Iodine consumption mg/ℓ / / / /
Fluorine and its compounds mg/ℓ 8* 4.3 8 0.2
Ammoniac nitrogen mg/ℓ / / 100 4
Nitrate nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrite-nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrogen content (T-N) mg/ℓ / / 60 5
Chromium content (T-Cr) mg/ℓ 2 ND 2 ND
Phosphorus content (T-P) mg/ℓ / / 8 0.2
Arsenic mg/ℓ / / 0.1 ND
Trichloroethylene mg/ℓ / / 0.1 ND
  • *At the Chitose Plant, treated wastewater is discharged into public sewerage systems and is thus subject to the Sewerage Act. (Destination of treated wastewater out flowing from sewerage treatment site: river) Accordingly, the regulation value for fluoridation compound is 8 mg/ℓ.

SUMCO TECHXIV Corporation Nagasaki Plant/SUMCO TECHXIV Corporation Miyazaki Plant

Name of business site/plant SUMCO TECHXIV Corporation (STC) Nagasaki Plant SUMCO TECHXIV Corporation (STC) Miyazaki Plant
Scope of business Design, development and manufacture of monocrystalline silicon ingots and silicon wafers Design, development and manufacture of monocrystalline silicon ingots and silicon wafers
Status of acquisition of ISO 14001:2015 certification Examining organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization Japan Quality Assurance Organization
Date of acquisition January 11, 1999 January 11, 1999
Date of renewal January 11, 2026 January 11, 2026
Air Measurement results maximum value (regulation value)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) ppm Boiler 80 (260) Boiler 53 (150)
Sulfur oxides (SOx) m3N/h Boiler ND (1.43-2.41) /
Soot and dust g/m3N Boiler ND (0.3) Boiler ND (0.1)*2
Water Regulation value Measurement result Regulation value Measurement result
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) mg/ℓ 600 49 25 6
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/ℓ / / / /
Suspended solids (SS) mg/ℓ 600 20 30 1
N-hexane extract mg/ℓ 5 ND 5 ND
Iodine consumption mg/ℓ / / / /
Fluorine and its compounds mg/ℓ 15*1 8.9 8 0.3
Ammoniac nitrogen mg/ℓ 100 45 100 3
Nitrate nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrite-nitrogen mg/ℓ
Nitrogen content (T-N) mg/ℓ 240 80 120 2
Chromium content (T-Cr) mg/ℓ 2 ND 2 ND
Phosphorus content (T-P) mg/ℓ 32 0.2 16 ND
Arsenic mg/ℓ 0.1 0.002 / /
Trichloroethylene mg/ℓ 0.3 ND / /
  • *1At STC Nagasaki plant, treated wastewater is discharged into public sewerage systems and is thus subject to the Sewerage Act. (Destination of treated wastewater outflowing from sewerage treatment site: the sea) Accordingly, the regulation value for fluoridation compound is 15 mg/ℓ.
  • *2The frequency of atmospheric soot and dust measurements at STC Miyazaki was revised to once every five years (the next measurement will be taken in 2023).

SUMCO Phoenix Corporation Albuquerque Plant/SUMCO Phoenix Corporation Phoenix Plant

Name of business site/plant SUMCO Phoenix Corporation (SPX) Albuquerque Plant SUMCO Phoenix Corporation (SPX) Phoenix Plant
Scope of business Design, development and manufacture of silicon wafers Design, development and manufacture of monocrystalline silicon ingots and silicon wafers
Status of acquisition of ISO 14001:2015 certification Examining organization DNV DNV
Date of acquisition June 19, 2000 June 19, 2000
Date of renewal June 30, 2024 June 30, 2024
Air Measurement results maximum value (regulation value)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) ton/y 2.08 (9.21) 12.11 (24.6)
Sulfur oxides (SOx) ton/y 0.024 (0.351) 0.49 (1.25)
PM10 (Particulate Matter) ton/y 0.157 (0.68) 0.69 (2.5)
Water Regulation value Measurement result* Regulation value Measurement result (Maximum value)
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) mg/ℓ / / / /
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/ℓ / / / /
Arsenic mg/ℓ 2.09 / 0.13 0.01
Cadmium mg/ℓ / / 0.047 0.002
Copper mg/ℓ / / 1.5 0.04
Cyanide mg/ℓ 0.5 / 2 0.02
Fluorine and its compounds mg/ℓ 36 / / /
Lead mg/ℓ 1 / 0.41 0.01
Mercury mg/ℓ 0.004 / 0.0023 0.0002
Molybdenum mg/ℓ 2 / / /
Selenium mg/ℓ 0.46 / 0.1 0.01
Silver mg/ℓ 5 / 1.2 0.005
Zinc mg/ℓ 2.2 / 3.5 0.05
Suspended solids (SS) mg/ℓ / / / /
  • *At the Albuquerque Plant, only pH and water flow rate measurements are required, and the City of Albuquerque periodically takes wastewater measurements.


Name of business site/plant PT. SUMCO Indonesia FORMOSA SUMCO TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION
Scope of business Design, development and manufacture of silicon wafers Design, development and manufacture of monocrystalline silicon ingots and silicon wafers
Status of acquisition of ISO 14001:2015 certification Examining organization SGS Lloyd's Register
Date of acquisition April 22, 2005 May 13, 2019
Date of renewal April 22, 2026 May 13, 2025
Air Indonesia FORMOSA
Measurement results maximum value (regulation value) Measurement results maximum value (regulation value)
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) mg/m3 ton/y ND(1000) 13.204 (40.5)
Sulfur oxides (SOx) mg/m3 ton/y ND(800)
PM10 (Particulate Matter) mg/m3 ton/y 5.3 (350) 0.854 (1.82)
Water Regulation value Measurement result (Maximum value) Regulation value Measurement result (Maximum value)
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) mg/ℓ 150 21 / /
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) mg/ℓ 300 69 100 6.2
Arsenic mg/ℓ 0.2 0.001 0.35 ND
Cadmium mg/ℓ 0.1 ND 0.02 ND
Copper mg/ℓ 4 ND 1.5 ND
Cyanide mg/ℓ 0.1 ND 1 ND
Fluorine and its compounds mg/ℓ 4 0.87 15 4.7
Lead mg/ℓ 0.2 ND 0.5 ND
Mercury mg/ℓ 0.004 ND 0.005 ND
Molybdenum mg/ℓ / / 0.6 0.009
Selenium mg/ℓ 0.1 ND / /
Silver mg/ℓ / / / /
Zinc mg/ℓ 10 ND 3.5 0.125
Suspended solids (SS) mg/ℓ 400 6.4 30 4.2
  • *At PT.SUMCO Indonesia, wastewater is drained to the sewerage.
  • *At FORMOSA SUMCO TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION, wastewater is drained into the ocean.